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Cursed Knowledge

Cursed knowledge we have learned as a result of building Immich that we wish we never knew.

  • Carriage returns in bash scripts are cursed

    Git can be configured to automatically convert LF to CRLF on checkout and CRLF breaks bash scripts.

  • Fetch inside Cloudflare Workers is cursed

    Fetch requests in Cloudflare Workers use http by default, even if you explicitly specify https, which can often cause redirect loops.

  • GPS sharing on mobile is cursed

    Some phones will silently strip GPS data from images when apps without location permission try to access them.

  • PostgreSQL NOTIFY is cursed

    PostgreSQL does everything in a transaction, including NOTIFY. This means using the postgres-adapter writes to WAL every 5 seconds.

  • npm scripts are cursed

    npm scripts make a http call to the npm registry each time they run, which means they are a terrible way to execute a health check.

  • 50 extra packages are cursed

    There is a user in the JavaScript community who goes around adding "backwards compatibility" to projects. They do this by adding 50 extra package dependencies to your project, which are maintained by them.

  • Long passwords are cursed

    The bcrypt implementation only uses the first 72 bytes of a string. Any characters after that are ignored.

  • JavaScript Date objects are cursed

    JavaScript date objects are 1 indexed for years and days, but 0 indexed for months.

  • ESM imports are cursed

    Prior to Node.js v20.8 using --experimental-vm-modules in a CommonJS project that imported an ES module that imported a CommonJS modules would create a segfault and crash Node.js

  • PostgreSQL parameters are cursed

    PostgresSQL has a limit of 65,535 parameters, so bulk inserts can fail with large datasets.

  • Secure contexts are cursed

    Some web features like the clipboard API only work in "secure contexts" (ie. https or localhost)

  • TypeORM deletes are cursed

    The remove implementation in TypeORM mutates the input, deleting the id property from the original object.