Config File
A config file can be provided as an alternative to the UI configuration.
Step 1 - Create a new config file
In JSON format, create a new config file (e.g. immich.json
) and put it in a location that can be accessed by Immich.
The default configuration looks like this:
"ffmpeg": {
"crf": 23,
"threads": 0,
"preset": "ultrafast",
"targetVideoCodec": "h264",
"acceptedVideoCodecs": ["h264"],
"targetAudioCodec": "aac",
"acceptedAudioCodecs": ["aac", "mp3", "libopus", "pcm_s16le"],
"acceptedContainers": ["mov", "ogg", "webm"],
"targetResolution": "720",
"maxBitrate": "0",
"bframes": -1,
"refs": 0,
"gopSize": 0,
"temporalAQ": false,
"cqMode": "auto",
"twoPass": false,
"preferredHwDevice": "auto",
"transcode": "required",
"tonemap": "hable",
"accel": "disabled",
"accelDecode": false
"backup": {
"database": {
"enabled": true,
"cronExpression": "0 02 * * *",
"keepLastAmount": 14
"job": {
"backgroundTask": {
"concurrency": 5
"smartSearch": {
"concurrency": 2
"metadataExtraction": {
"concurrency": 5
"faceDetection": {
"concurrency": 2
"search": {
"concurrency": 5
"sidecar": {
"concurrency": 5
"library": {
"concurrency": 5
"migration": {
"concurrency": 5
"thumbnailGeneration": {
"concurrency": 3
"videoConversion": {
"concurrency": 1
"notifications": {
"concurrency": 5
"logging": {
"enabled": true,
"level": "log"
"machineLearning": {
"enabled": true,
"urls": ["http://immich-machine-learning:3003"],
"clip": {
"enabled": true,
"modelName": "ViT-B-32__openai"
"duplicateDetection": {
"enabled": true,
"maxDistance": 0.01
"facialRecognition": {
"enabled": true,
"modelName": "buffalo_l",
"minScore": 0.7,
"maxDistance": 0.5,
"minFaces": 3
"map": {
"enabled": true,
"lightStyle": "",
"darkStyle": ""
"reverseGeocoding": {
"enabled": true
"metadata": {
"faces": {
"import": false
"oauth": {
"autoLaunch": false,
"autoRegister": true,
"buttonText": "Login with OAuth",
"clientId": "",
"clientSecret": "",
"defaultStorageQuota": 0,
"enabled": false,
"issuerUrl": "",
"mobileOverrideEnabled": false,
"mobileRedirectUri": "",
"scope": "openid email profile",
"signingAlgorithm": "RS256",
"profileSigningAlgorithm": "none",
"storageLabelClaim": "preferred_username",
"storageQuotaClaim": "immich_quota"
"passwordLogin": {
"enabled": true
"storageTemplate": {
"enabled": false,
"hashVerificationEnabled": true,
"template": "{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}"
"image": {
"thumbnail": {
"format": "webp",
"size": 250,
"quality": 80
"preview": {
"format": "jpeg",
"size": 1440,
"quality": 80
"colorspace": "p3",
"extractEmbedded": false
"newVersionCheck": {
"enabled": true
"trash": {
"enabled": true,
"days": 30
"theme": {
"customCss": ""
"library": {
"scan": {
"enabled": true,
"cronExpression": "0 0 * * *"
"watch": {
"enabled": false
"server": {
"externalDomain": "",
"loginPageMessage": ""
"notifications": {
"smtp": {
"enabled": false,
"from": "",
"replyTo": "",
"transport": {
"ignoreCert": false,
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"username": "",
"password": ""
"user": {
"deleteDelay": 7
In Administration > Settings is a button to copy the current configuration to your clipboard. So you can just grab it from there, paste it into a file and you're pretty much good to go.
Step 2 - Specify the file location
In your .env
file, set the variable IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE
to the path of your config.
For more information, refer to the Environment Variables section.
YAML-formatted config files are also supported.