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OAuth Authentication

This page contains details about using OAuth in Immich.


Unable to set app.immich:/ as a valid redirect URI? See Mobile Redirect URI for an alternative solution.


Immich supports 3rd party authentication via OpenID Connect (OIDC), an identity layer built on top of OAuth2. OIDC is supported by most identity providers, including:


Before enabling OAuth in Immich, a new client application needs to be configured in the 3rd-party authentication server. While the specifics of this setup vary from provider to provider, the general approach should be the same.

  1. Create a new (Client) Application

    1. The Provider type should be OpenID Connect or OAuth2
    2. The Client type should be Confidential
    3. The Application type should be Web
    4. The Grant type should be Authorization Code
  2. Configure Redirect URIs/Origins

    The Sign-in redirect URIs should include:

    • app.immich:/ - for logging in with OAuth from the Mobile App
    • http://DOMAIN:PORT/auth/login - for logging in with OAuth from the Web Client
    • http://DOMAIN:PORT/user-settings - for manually linking OAuth in the Web Client

    Redirect URIs should contain all the domains you will be using to access Immich. Some examples include:


    • app.immich:/ (You MUST include this for iOS and Android mobile apps to work properly)


    • http://localhost:2283/auth/login
    • http://localhost:2283/user-settings

    Local IP




Enable OAuth

Once you have a new OAuth client application configured, Immich can be configured using the Administration Settings page, available on the web (Administration -> Settings).

EnabledbooleanfalseEnable/disable OAuth
Issuer URLURL(required)Required. Self-discovery URL for client (from previous step)
Client IDstring(required)Required. Client ID (from previous step)
Client Secretstring(required)Required. Client Secret (previous step)
Scopestringopenid email profileFull list of scopes to send with the request (space delimited)
Signing AlgorithmstringRS256The algorithm used to sign the id token (examples: RS256, HS256)
Storage Label Claimstringpreferred_usernameClaim mapping for the user's storage label¹
Storage Quota Claimstringimmich_quotaClaim mapping for the user's storage¹
Default Storage Quota (GiB)number0Default quota for user without storage quota claim (Enter 0 for unlimited quota)
Button TextstringLogin with OAuthText for the OAuth button on the web
Auto RegisterbooleantrueWhen true, will automatically register a user the first time they sign in
Auto LaunchbooleanfalseWhen true, will skip the login page and automatically start the OAuth login process
Mobile Redirect URI OverrideURL(empty)Http(s) alternative mobile redirect URI
Claim Options [1]

Claim is only used on user creation and not synchronized after that.


The Issuer URL should look something like the following, and return a valid json document.

  • http://localhost:9000/application/o/immich/.well-known/openid-configuration

The .well-known/openid-configuration part of the url is optional and will be automatically added during discovery.

Auto Launch

When Auto Launch is enabled, the login page will automatically redirect the user to the OAuth authorization url, to login with OAuth. To access the login screen again, use the browser's back button, or navigate directly to /auth/login?autoLaunch=0.

Mobile Redirect URI

The redirect URI for the mobile app is app.immich:/, which is a Custom Scheme. If this custom scheme is an invalid redirect URI for your OAuth Provider, you can work around this by doing the following:

  1. Configure an http(s) endpoint to forwards requests to app.immich:/
  2. Whitelist the new endpoint as a valid redirect URI with your provider.
  3. Specify the new endpoint as the Mobile Redirect URI Override, in the OAuth settings.

With these steps in place, you should be able to use OAuth from the Mobile App without a custom scheme redirect URI.


Immich has a route (/api/oauth/mobile-redirect) that is already configured to forward requests to app.immich:/, and can be used for step 1.

Example Configuration

Authentik Example

Authentik Example

Here's an example of OAuth configured for Authentik:

Configuration of Authorised redirect URIs (Authentik OAuth2/OpenID Provider)

Configuration of OAuth in Immich System Settings

Issuer URL
Client IDAFCj2rM1f4rps*************lCLEum6hH9...
Client Secret0v89FXkQOWO**************mprbvXD549HH6s1iw...
Scopeopenid email profile
Signing AlgorithmRS256
Storage Label Claimpreferred_username
Storage Quota Claimimmich_quota
Default Storage Quota (GiB)0 (0 for unlimited quota)
Button TextSign in with Authentik (optional)
Auto RegisterEnabled (optional)
Auto LaunchEnabled (optional)
Mobile Redirect URI OverrideDisable
Mobile Redirect URI
Google Example

Google Example

Here's an example of OAuth configured for Google:

Configuration of Authorised redirect URIs (Google Console)

Configuration of OAuth in Immich System Settings

Issuer URL
Client ID7******************
Client SecretG******************OO
Scopeopenid email profile
Signing AlgorithmRS256
Storage Label Claimpreferred_username
Storage Quota Claimimmich_quota
Default Storage Quota (GiB)0 (0 for unlimited quota)
Button TextSign in with Google (optional)
Auto RegisterEnabled (optional)
Auto LaunchEnabled
Mobile Redirect URI OverrideEnabled (required)
Mobile Redirect URI